It's that time of year again: The veil between the worlds, candles, thin and restless spirits wander around at night.
No one sister Heinous much happier. This is a curse against the mad monk Falador and Varrock planning to collect fuel that the essence of the ghosts, and it is inconceivable to help its vile henchmen ritual of gathering a crowd of ectoplasm necessary. Righteous Brothers only foil a foul plan is as follows: In addition, magical barriers to protect two people who want to
free runescape accounts strengthen the ectoplasm of a monk Saradominist.
Falador or Varrock choose one of these monks are in. After the report, attacks by spectral Gielinor, indicating that the chat window are global announcements to listen every 2 hours. In this case, ghosts, households worldwide will emerge. They are easily reduced to a right mouse button ectoplasm and liturgical, but we have to find first! Speak to the priests for tips, friends, work together and get hunting for haunted houses!
Bring Back sufficient ectoplasm, and only selected side will not increase your score - community team, which will be followed during the event - but also dresses to show loyalty to the team or team wins atrocious fair points to spend. Dresses flexibility "moral between colors, which opened immediately.
Collect the entire set and get a purchase ectoplasmator. This strange device Prayer XP you kill a ghost like creature of thought, as it is for a lot of bones will be Bonecrusher. Claim that the item you are using a full set of clothes together next only one color, matter may request: Sister Brother Fair or sacred version of this statement, this statement does not consecrated wear atrocious version.
You decide to get involved with the progression of this community, so the side with the support dominate! RuneScape community team is organizing this event for the two campaigns: Team Sabre hordes Mod Team heinous cackle and how naive Mike advocates representing the righteous. Pledge to support the theme.
Wilson Mode
How to start looking for haunted houses
Varrock or Falador Square Park, talking Heinous Sister or Brother Justo.
Listen to announcements every 2 hours and seek ghosts in Gielinor homes. Speak to the priests for tips.
Ghosts can be seen only recently, and only built structures will emerge. Team to find them!
Both free players and members to join and claim the layer, but members say that the world must be in full and can be ectoplasmator
This Halloween, fight for control of the forces of good and evil - it's up to you to choose a side in the war.
Content Halloween this year, their decisions will be able to move through the control of Varrock and Falador.
Map of the areas of the world who are fighting the good fight and live to see the evil that is damaged due to upgrade.
Of course, each camp led the campaign as a way of further ado gerekiyor.Topluluk J Crew, is so busy ...
Right Team, led by Mike angelic mode: In the blue corner, to the relief of all, love and justice for the campaign!
Heinous team, led by the devil cackling Sabre Mod: in the face of the red corner, treacherous and cowardly dedicated to all things!
Minions J MODE each army itself. Caused by the invading horde of hell, while the Sabre Mod Mod Mike, I'll be in front of the legions of defenders of the saints.
These attacks NPCs and was lowered between control etkiler.23 and October 31, we are very careful of who controls these cities, monitoring, and we will announce whether it is good or bad, the winner will come on Halloween night!
J default mode with a hideous face losing faction ahead - spend the night in a mysterious building - and of course, for you to enjoy in the future, we will capture the moment all horrible!
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